Admin / January 24, 2023
As each day passes, technology advances so rapidly that it changes the course of our lives. Artificial intelligence has been around for quite sometime now; however, these days it’s making its way into the world of science extensively. Algorithms and machine learning are developing in various ways every moment; making researchers and doctors work easier. Artificial intelligence is starting to play prominent roles in the research and medical fields.
Sometime ago, artificial intelligence was an amazing concept that might work someday; but now, it IS actually working and many people are relying on it for certain tasks of their jobs. It’s been proven that AI can actually detect some information that the most trained human eye can miss. The fact that it’s programmed, makes it accurate and useful; can a calculator make a mistake? Not a chance! But can a math professor make a calculation mistake? Highly unlikely, but it’s still a possibility; as all humans can eventually make mistakes.
That doesn’t mean AI can replace the human factor altogether; no, AI can be used for certain tasks to help researchers and doctors complete their work and focus their effort and time on the part of the job that requires thinking. Their jobs are very tiresome; as they go through processes like cell count and imaging, which takes hours and tires the brain. Due to that fact, we can use AI for imaging and cell count, and researchers can just focus on what to do next.
Researchers noted during a recent AIMI conference that “Human pathology combined with AI is catching more health concerns than the human eye alone.” AI can intake huge amounts of data and images, which simply the human brain can’t store. Cardiologist and researcher Eric Topol says, “AI can see things the human eye can’t.” His statement in a recent AIMI conference proves that AI will revolutionize the whole research and medical industries. AI gets quicker and smarter everyday, and researchers and doctors from all over the world are recognising it, as to help with their researches and help save their precious time.